Spis treści · Praca · Odzyskiwanie danych

Odzyskiwanie danych z uszkodzonych urządzeń

Jeśli istnieją problemy fizyczne (obce dźwięki, komunikaty o błędach, spadek wydajność, itd.) zaleca się zgłoszenie do specjalistów posiadających specjalistyczny sprzęt. Dalsze prace z dyskiem (nawet przy uruchamianiu) mogą pogorszyć problem i spowodować całkowitą niezdolność odzyskiwania danych. Więc wszelkie dalsze próby są na własne ryzyko. W każdym razie jest to możliwe tylko wtedy, gdy oprogramowanie może uzyskać dostęp do urządzenia (zawartość jest czytelna), a rozmiar urządzenia jest prawidłowo wykryty (jeśli rozmiar urządzenia jest wykrywany niepoprawnie).

Błędy oprogramowania

Some errors may be due to external reasons: bad contacts, unexpected power loss or disconnection, etc. If a sector is not completely or incorrectly written then the device reports an error when reading such sector even there is no physical damage (software bad). The device is working normally excepting errors when reading several sectors. In such case you should fix the problem source (check if PCB contacts are oxidised, replace wires, etc.) and continue accessing the device safely if the doings don't become worsen (some software bads may still remain). Of course this does not apply to cases where a hit was, the device is responding slow, etc. Anyway it would be safer to make a copy of the entire device before continue recovering.

Klonowanie urządzeń

It is highly recommended to first clone the damaged device and to work further with the copy.

During data recovery there may be multiple disk access retries: software usually scan the entire device, then again analize some structures on the disk, then read data again during actual recovery; different settings and software may also be tried. This causes reading the device again and again damaging the problem device more and more. Making a sector-wise copy (clone) eliminates this problem, the damaged device is read only once.

In DMDE you may use the tool Copy Sectors to make the device clone.

Jeśli klonowanie jest niemożliwe

Sometimes the device state does not allow entire cloning. Full copy may take an unreasonable time but you need to recover only some important files. In such case you may try data recovery without performing a full scan.

DMDE allows opening volumes and finding some files without preliminary full scan. You may try opening the volume if it is visible in the window Partitions just after selecting the device. You may also try opening volumes as soon as they appear in the results of Full Scan without waiting its completion. Make sure to Save scan results to avoid future rescanning in case of some failure. Open the volume and recover the most important files first and check if they can be opened/played.